Charity Yogathon Exceeds All Expectations

So wonderful to see Irene from Agape, co-ordinator of our local food bank, and Helen and Elaine from Spots looking quite stunned, and then excited, when they received their cheques from the first Spalding Yogathon, which raised a total of £1,920.00.

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When we asked Helen what their money might be spent on, she said that the committee would need to decide, although some of it may well go towards a trip to the theatre for some of their children and young people.

I asked Irene the same question, and she explained that more money in the pot will give them more buying power.  Irene said that now they would be able to order food online in bulk, and get free delivery, as well as saving money on bulk buying.

So a huge thank you to everybody who has been involved in the event: participants, sponsors, donors. You have all made a great difference to two very worthy local charities!

… So who wants to do it all again next year!

For more information or to contact either of the charities go to:

Agape: (, and Spots: (

Saturday Yoga Workshops for 2015

I am very excited about my yoga workshops this year because they are all about how yoga can help us to aspire to greater health and wellbeing.  Each workshop will reflect a different aspect of yoga philosophy and, whilst they are sepIMG_20150129_113130655arate subjects, throughout the year we will discover how many of the different pieces of the yoga jigsaw fit together.

Although each workshop will include asana (posture practice), there will be so much more to consider, such as pranayama (energy work), the subtle body, and the ancient teachings of Patanjali.  Through discussion, reflection, mindfulness, meditation, visualisation, breathing, working in pairs and groups, and (of course) asana, we will explore the integration of yoga practice as a whole and discover how it can promote greatly improved health and wellbeing within each and every one of us.

If you would like to know more, click here for the Saturday Yoga Workshops webpage.  If you would like to book a place at one of the forthcoming workshops, you can click here to contact me, email me at [email protected] or text/telephone me on 07817623330.