What is chair yoga, and how is it different from the more traditional form of mat-based yoga? In fact, the answer to that question, as far as my classes are concerned, is very simple: The only difference between the two types of yoga is that one is based on a mat and the other on a chair.

So now let’s take a look at the similarities between the two:
Both are based on the traditional yoga teachings that were set down thousands of years ago, and the same yoga practices are included in both types of class. All classes incorporate yoga postures (asana), breathing practices (pranayama), mindfulness/meditation, grounding practices, relaxation and visualisation. Sometimes we might add a mudra (energetic seal) or two, or a bandha (energetic lock), perhaps a sprinkling or yoga philosophy, or even some silent or verbal mantra (repetition of a word or phrase). We often practice yoga nidra, which translates as “sleep of the yogis” and no, nobody has fallen off of their chair … yet!
Because the two practices are so similar, so also are the benefits. For more information regarding the numerous benefits of yoga you might like to click on the following link: About Yoga
And finally, comments from a couple of my chair yoga students:
“Since joining the chair yoga class 4 months ago, my flexibility has improved tremendously. I am also sleeping better after learning to relax and breathe using techniques learned in class.” VD (age 80).
“Having done (mat-based) Yoga with Sarah for several years, I began to find some of the practice too difficult for me to do and this caused me to feel that I wasn’t contributing to the class or benefiting from the sessions. When she offered the opportunity to try Chair Yoga, I jumped at the chance and feel better in myself since trying it. Much to my surprise moves completed on the mat can be adapted to the chair and I can actually do them. I tend to walk to the session which helps me to warm up and walk home too, so more exercise. I’m so glad I started this and hate missing a session. The benefits are that I am feeling stronger in myself both physically and mentally, long may it continue.” BF (age 68).
If you feel that a chair yoga class may be beneficial for you, or somebody you know, and you live in or around Bourne, Crowland or Long Sutton you can Telephone/WhatsApp/text me on: 07817623330, email me at [email protected] or click on the link Contact Sarah.