Hi everybody.
The Mandala Yoga Ashram residents are currently chanting the Mrityunjaya mantra 27 times every morning at 7:30am and the invitation is there for anybody who wants to join them (we don’t always manage 7:30am as we haven’t always finished our practice by then!). After the mantra, they have recorded a beautiful metta (loving kindness) meditation that you can also join in with. We find it very calming, and it is a good way to help to raise the vibration of our struggling planet right now, by sending out the traditional mantra for healing, along with loving kindness to the world, at a time when it really needs it. If you would like to access this practice go to:
www.mandalayogaashram.co.uk, then click on Ashram Blog, and scroll down to the third post (Mrityunjaya Mantra Chant/Meditation by Swami Satyadaya), led by Swami Satyadaya.
If you would like to practice just the mantra without the meditation, then the second post (Mrityunjaya Mantra) is led by beloved Swamiji (Swami Nishchalananda) the ashram’s founder, a truly beautiful being, who is full of light and love.
With love and best wishes to you all.