For mat-based students, the first part of this term is all about Pawanmuktasana (energy block release).
In the highly regarded seminal book “Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, we are told that “the Pawanmuktasana series is one of the most important groups of practices that has a very profound effect on the human body and mind and is thus a most useful tool for the yogic management of various disorders and maintenance of health.” As with all three Pawunmuktasana practices, this week’s practice – The Digestive Series – encourages us to better understand the meaning of asana by developing an awareness of the movements of the body and the subtle effects these movements have on all our layers of being.
Meanwhile, in chair yoga, we shall be focusing our attention specifically on opening up the side body in order that we might create more space in the lungs to breath, and encourage energy to flow more freely throughout the body and mind.
If you would like to come along to class, or for more information, you can contact me, Sarah, in the following ways: Telephone/Text/WhatsApp: 07817623330; email: [email protected]; Facebook: Free To Think; Website: