Category Archives: Yoga Philosophy
How Yoga Can Help us to Evaluate and Manage Stress
One of the most frequently heard expressions today is “I’m stressed”. Stress is an inevitable part of modern-day living, however, most stress can be reduced considerably and even eliminated. Here are some considerations when contemplating stress in your life, and suggestions for reducing it:
Courage to change the things I can,
Om Shanti (Peace to Everyone)If you would like to know more about yoga, stress and anxiety management, mindfulness or relaxation techniques please contact Sarah, email me at: [email protected], find me on Facebook under Free To Think, or text or telephone me on: 07817623330
Yoga Workshop – Saturday, 22nd February 2014 – The Seven Primary Chakras
So the first of our 2014 Saturday Yoga Workshops is nearing and I am really looking forward to it! If you have attended before you will already know that the workshops all strike a balance between practising, discovering and evolving.
This workshop will reflect the philosophical nature of the chakras, in that we will be working very meditatively, turning our attention inwards, and reflecting on the where’s, how’s and why’s of each of the seven primary energy centres.
If you only like the physical postures side of yoga, then this workshop is probably not for you as the emphasis is more on reflection and self-awarenes, and not on the physical asana aspect of yoga. That does not mean that we will not be practising postures. We will, in the light of the work that we are doing, take postures that are specifically aimed at each of the primary chakras.
So if you would like to discover more about the philosophy of yoga, and in particular the unseen energy systems in our bodies and how they affect each of us, emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually, then this workshop will probably be of interest to you. Participants will be given an introduction to the theory of the chakras and a physical asana practice that is designed to balance, heal and integrate the chakras for improved physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health.
And of course, because it’s yoga, you will probably leave feeling uplifted, positive and inspired!
I still have some places available, so if you are interested, or would like to book your place, please email: [email protected] or text/ring me on: 07817623330.